Basic Policy against Antisocial Forces

OBIC BUSINESS CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (“the Company”) has established the following Basic Policy against Antisocial Forces. All officers and employees shall comply with this Basic Policy, endeavor to ensure the appropriateness and safety of Company operations, and fulfill its responsibilities as a socially responsible company.

  1. The Company recognizes the necessity and importance of not only ensuring the appropriateness and safety of its business operations, but also of fulfilling its responsibilities as a socially responsible company by decisively blocking and eliminating any relationship with antisocial forces, and shall respond to this issue as an organization as a whole.
  2. The Company shall sever all transactional and other relationships with antisocial forces, shall not provide benefits under any name, and shall not be involved in any way with such antisocial forces.
  3. The Company shall categorically reject any undue claims from antisocial forces, and shall never provide funds, conduct inappropriate transactions, or provide convenience, regardless of appellation, to antisocial forces. In addition, the Company shall take firm legal action against any undue claims.
  4. The Company shall ensure the safety of officers and employees who respond to undue claims by antisocial forces and endeavor to resolve issues promptly.
  5. The Company shall take action against antisocial forces in cooperation with external specialist agencies (police, National Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations, lawyers, etc.).
  6. In the event of a contingency, the Company shall take both civil and criminal legal action against antisocial forces.
  7. In the unlikely event that the Company unknowingly enters a business relationship with an antisocial force, the Company shall take prompt action in accordance with its Basic Policy as soon as the partner is identified as an antisocial force or is suspected of being an antisocial force.

"Shigefumi Wada, President and Representative Director,