Basic Policy on Information Security

"OBIC BUSINESS CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (“the Company”) is committed to improving the sophistication and efficiency of core business operations in companies in the information services field, mainly through the development, sales, and provision of business solution technology and IT solution technology services. In order to achieve these business functions and properly maintain the information security of information assets, the Company shall formulate the Basic Policy on Information Security and work to strengthen its information security infrastructure through the implementation of information security management. "

  1. The Company shall establish an information security management system and implement unified information security management as an organization.
  2. The Company shall endeavor to ensure and improve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all information assets, and establish an Information Security Policy that specifies the basic requirements necessary to establish uniform standards for actions and decisions that should be observed when implementing information security measures in order to respond the confidence of our customers and society as a whole.
  3. 3. The Company shall take appropriate technical measures and endeavor to prevent unauthorized intrusion, disclosure, falsification, destruction, leakage, or interference with the use of information assets. In the unlikely event an information security issue occurs with information assets, the Company shall promptly investigate the cause of the issue and endeavor to minimize the damage.
    The Company shall continuously implement the above activities and establish an information security management system to respond to new threats.
  4. The Company shall provide necessary information security training for directors and all employees (regular employees and contract employees) to ensure that they are familiar with the basic policy and various regulations, and to improve security literacy.
  5. The Company shall comply with all relevant domestic and international laws, regulations, and guidelines.
  6. The Company shall review this policy, related rules, and procedures, and periodically evaluate the implementation status of information security measures in order to continuously improve information security.

Shigefumi Wada, President and Representative Director,

Inquiries regarding information security

Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Oak Tower, 6-8-1, Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-6032
Telephone: (+81)(0)120-86-9861
(Office hours: 10:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and OBC holidays)
E-mail :

※OBC-SIRT:OBC has formed a CSIRT (OBC-SIRT) to respond appropriately to information security incidents and improve processes for early resolution.