Contribution to Society
About the Bugyo School Education Support Project
OBC’s Bugyo School Education Support Project for schools across Japan (mainly commercial high schools, vocational schools, and universities) is an initiative aimed at improving the education and skills acquired through school education to better match students to actual working conditions at employment. We are implementing this project to support schools nationwide, with the hope of contributing to the development of human resources with specialized skills in back-office operations such as general affairs, HR, and accounting, which is an extension of bookkeeping education.
Bugyo School Education Support Project
Goals (We will resolve two issues.)
Issue 1: Enterprises’ lack of talent
Current enterprise operations, including DX (digital transformation of operations), demand a high level of streamlining in order to support companies’ various business models, and this poses a significant challenge not only for the value of their business systems, but also for personnel, who must be able to master each system. Many companies have prioritized concentrating their talent and upgrading IT in the sales and manufacturing divisions, giving less priority to back-office divisions. This has exposed chronic understaffing due to factors such as fewer people being hired and a lack of successor talent.
Issue 2: Need for more practical education
Providing education that emphasizes practical and pragmatic skills is a challenge for schools and educational settings.
Students are required to fuse the knowledge of bookkeeping and finance they gained in the classroom with the business knowledge and skills necessary for accounting and administrative work after they enter the workforce.
New high school curriculum guidelines will be revised in 2022, requiring hands-on training using software that corresponds to real-world practices.
Supporting education by linking bookkeeping textbooks with software and communicating with educators
Linking bookkeeping textbooks with software makes lessons more practical.
We are also considering a menu of options for teachers that include teaching materials, expertise, and an information exchange community.
For more information, please see the Project Supporting Members page.

Sponsorship of Programming Contests
According to a report published by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in June 2016 (“Findings of METI’s Study of Recent Trends and Future Estimates Concerning IT Human Resources”), there was already a shortage of approximately 170,000 IT human resources in Japan as of 2015, and this shortage is projected to grow to nearly 600,000 human resources by 2030.
By sponsoring programming contests, OBC will actively contribute to the development of IT human resources who will lead Japan’s future.